PLEASURES is an exclusive brand platform started in Los Angeles by Alex James and Vlad Elkin in 2015. Their focus on music sub cultures, early internet, sexual freedom, and positive reinforcement have lead the brand to a global cult status. Stance is proud to work on its initial all gender collection with PLEASURES. We sat down with the founders of PLEASURES to ask them a few questions about their brand, and our partnership…Enjoy.
How did you guys connect on the idea of PLEASURES?
Vlad and I both created the brand out of boredom. We were tired of the LA lifestyle and wanted to focus our energy on something more meaningful. We wanted to highlight things we were into like various music sub scenes and obscure pop culture.
In a short amount of time PLEASURES has become a major player within street fashion, what do you think is the reasoning for the rapid success?
I believe staying true to who we are. We don’t chase trends. We make product from the heart with consistency.
What made you guys want to connect on another project with Stance?
We are all Stance users and wanted to re connect to make some interesting product. We’ve tried making our own but nothing compares to the Stance product.
Where does the design inspiration on the Summer collection with Stance come from?
Inspiration definitely came from the impending “Summer of Fun 21.” Every has been locked up and wants to go out and explore. These socks are made for daily adventures.